Kylie and the Machine woven labels - Wear the Shit Outta Me

Kylie and the Machine woven labels - Wear the Shit Outta Me


Cotton Labels - 8 pack


2.2cm x 5.5cm 

Please note, different to our polyester woven labels, the two raw edges (folded under) can fray. You can use fray check solution, or just sew both ends onto your garment to secure the label and prevent fraying. 


LABELS BY KATM are Super High-Quality woven labels, they are classified as HD which is similar to a thread count in sheets, finer and more threads which give the crispest designs. They are Oeko-Tex certified, washable, durable and non-scratchy!

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You are Awesome labels by Kylie and the Machine BgxKATM_you-are-awesome_78389de8-fa84-498e-bb09-2f351236e6d0 2.JPG

You are Awesome labels by Kylie and the Machine

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Label Gauge

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KATM Made woven labels

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My Best Work Yet woven labels by Kylie and the Machine

Kylie and the Machine woven labels - Rainbow Mini Hands Screen Shot 2021-04-07 at 10.04.10 AM.png

Kylie and the Machine woven labels - Rainbow Mini Hands
