Kylie and the Machine woven labels - "Hello Gorgeous"

Kylie and the Machine woven labels - "Hello Gorgeous"


Each pack contains 10 woven labels 


Specific details about this label:

1cm x 5cm End Folded Labels

 Each pack contains 5 of each colour - coral and navy.

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You are Awesome labels by Kylie and the Machine BgxKATM_you-are-awesome_78389de8-fa84-498e-bb09-2f351236e6d0 2.JPG

You are Awesome labels by Kylie and the Machine

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Label Gauge

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KATM Made woven labels

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My Best Work Yet woven labels by Kylie and the Machine

Kylie and the Machine woven labels - Rainbow Mini Hands Screen Shot 2021-04-07 at 10.04.10 AM.png

Kylie and the Machine woven labels - Rainbow Mini Hands
