How to Make a Signature Block

There are many ways and reasons to make a signature block. In this post I will show you how to make the 4.5” block that I am requesting for The Craft Table turning two. You can also watch a video tutorial on our YouTube channel here. (While you are there, please subscribe to our YouTube channel. We are THIS close to reaching the number of subscribers where we can have our own URL.)


One 4.5” square of solid white cotton fabric. Two 3.5” squares of print fabric that are the same. (You can use any color for the 3.5” squares, but if you happen to have fabric in any of our logo colors shown below that would be awesome.) Black Micron Pigma pen or Black Ultra Fine Sharpie Pen. Basic sewing supplies.



On the wrong side of the fabric, draw a diagonal line on each of the 3.5” squares.

With right sides together, sew a 3.5” square to opposite corners of the 4.5” background square. Make sure you have placed your squares with the diagonal lines going in the correct direction. Stitch just a hair to the right of the drawn line.

Place your ruler with the 1/4” line of the drawn/stitched line, and trim each corner. (The video tutorial includes a method of stitching a second diagonal line so that you end up with two bonus HSTs.)


Press each corner out. You should now have a 4.5” signature block. Trim to square up if necessary.


Use a permanent Sharpie Ultra Fine black pen or a black Micron Pigma pen to write your name (first and last or just first if you prefer), Instagram handle if you have one, and location. (Having a piece of freezer paper or a sandpaper board makes the signing easier, but is not necessary.) Just take your time when writing. Be sure not to write into the corners as that will get lost when the blocks are sewn together.

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Mail your block to The Craft Table, 1404 Ferris Avenue Suite B, Orlando, FL 32803. If you place your block in a regular size envelope, then you shouldn’t need any extra postage besides a first class stamp. All blocks received by November 30th will go into a prize drawing. Thank you so much in advance! Please feel free to leave a comment or email me with any questions.

If you are interested in seeing other ways to use signature blocks in a project, I have written a blog post about that here.

Happy stitching,

~ Rene’